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Machine gunner in the Appennine Mountains in Italy on 1 December 1944
189.Photograph. '1 Dec. 44. 5/MM-44-30867. Fifth Army, Vincenetta Area, Italy.
Machine guns mounted on trucks San Luis Obispo, California on 1 April 1944
1173. '4-1-44. Hussey. 50 Cal. machine gun on M-52 ring mount of truck used to fire at OQ2A radio controlled target plane, operated by Hq.
Machine guns mounted on trucks San Luis Obispo, California on 1 April 1944
1171. "4-1-44. Hussey. 50 Cal. machine gun on M-32 ring mount of truck used to fire at OQ2A radio controlled target plane, operated by Hq.
Machine shop at an airplane factory in Barberton, Ohio in April 1945
Machine shop at an airplane factory. "Barberton". Barberton, Ohio. April 1945
Machine shop at an airplane factory in Barberton, Ohio in April 1945
Machine shop at an airplane factory. "Barberton". Barberton, Ohio. April 1945
Machinery shop at an airplane factory in Newark, Ohio circa 1942-1945
Interior view of a machinery shop at an airplane factory. Newark, Ohio. Circa 1942-1945
Machining shop in an airplane factory in Uhrichsville, Ohio circa 1942-1945
View of a machining shop in an airplane factory. "Uhricsville" [Uhrichsville]. Uhrichsville, Ohio. Circa 1942-1945
Machining shop in an airplane factory in Uhrichsville, Ohio circa 1942-1945
View of a machining shop in an airplane factory. "Uhricsville" [Uhrichsville]. Uhrichsville, Ohio. Circa 1942-1945
Madame Chiang Kai-Shek and President Truman, Washington, D. C., August 1945
Photograph. President Harry S. Truman talking with Madame Chiang Kai-Shek, wife of Chinese President Chiang Kai-shek.
Magdeburg Cathedral surrounded by bombed out buildings, Germany, 1945
Photograph, aerial. Magdeburg Cathedral surrounded by bombed out buildings.
Magellan Monument, Umatac, Guam in 1945
Magellan Monument, Umatac, Guam in 1945. "Magellan's Monument. In the village of Telefofo. Erected 1552. Guam 45."
Magellan Monument, Umatac, Guam in 1945
Magellan Monument, Umatac, Guam in 1945. "Magellan Monument."Umatac, Guam in 1945