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John Janik poses for a photo outside, 1943
Photograph. Portrait of John Janik in service dress uniform outside unidentified brick building, probably at training camp. Tinted photo.
John Janik poses in front of an unidentified stone building , ETO
Photograph. American soldier John Janik poses in front of an unidentified stone building with gas cans in the background in 1944 or 1945.
John Janik poses in front of church, ETO
American soldier John Janik poses in front of church. ETO. No date
John Janik poses with two German children, Brachwitz, Germany, 1945
Photograph. John Janik stands outside with two German children. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Brachwitz, Germany near Halle. Our C.P.
John Janik relaxes near a pile of logs
Photograph. John Janik relaxes in the grass with a pile of logs behind him. Unknown location. No date
John Janik shaking hands with another soldier
Photograph. John Janik shaking hands with another American soldier. Double exposure image. Unknown location. No date
John Janik sits on railing
Photograph. American soldier John Janik sits on railing. ETO. No date
John Janik sits on railing, ETO
Photograph. American soldier John Janik sits on railing. ETO. No date
John Janik sits writing a letter in his half-track, July 1945
Photograph. American soldier John Janik sits writing a letter in his half-track.
John Janik sitting in an armored vehicle
Photograph. John Janik sitting in an armored vehicle. Unknown location. No date
John Janik sitting on a motorcycle
Photograph. John Janik sitting on a motorcycle stopped in fron of a row of trucks. Unknown location. No date
John Janik sitting on a mowing machine
Photograph. John Janik sitting on an agricultural mowing machine.