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German policemen rounding up crowd during black market raid in Berlin, Germany in the winter of 1945/46
German policemen rounding up crowd during black market raid; crowd assembled in street; bomb damaged buildings in background.
German POW driver and Italian repatriates at a repatriation camp, Bolzano, Italy, 1945
Photograph. German POW driver and Italian repatriates at a repatriation camp after the war's end.
German POW eating American 'C' ration on Anzio beach on 25 April 1944
489.Photograph. '25 April 44. MM-5-44-4348. Fifth Army, Anzio Area, Italy.
German POWs are escorted onto a landing ship, tank, in Anzio, Italy, 1944
Photograph. German POWs are escorted onto a landing ship, tank, tied up at a harbor.
German POWs are fed American rations, Italy, 1943
Photograph. A crowd of German POWs eat American rations.
German POWs are marched down a roadway in Cassino, Italy, 1944
Photograph. German POWs are marched down a roadway, guarded by armed soldiers.
German POWs are marched to a US post in Monte Maio, Italy, 1944
Photograph. German POWs are marched down a hilly gravel roadway to a US post.
German POWs await their fate, San Vittore, Italy, 1944
Photograph. German POWs sit on a pile of rubble and await their fate.
German POWs being loaded onto LST-492, Omaha Beach, 1944
Photograph. German prisoners of war caring their gear being loaded onto LST-492. Omaha Beach, Normandy, France. 8 June 1944.
German POWs being marched across a beach, Southern France, 1944
Photograph. German prisoners of war being marched across a beach with their hands behind their heads; United States servicemen are flanking them.
German POWs being rounded up by the 7th Infantry Regiment, Salzburg, 1945
German POWs being transported, Essen, 1945
Photograph. Train cars filled with German prisoners of war sitting on tracks.