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A cargo ship at dock with trucks next to it in Leghorn, Italy in October 1945
A cargo ship at "Berth 65 N, Leghorn, Italy, Oct to ---- 1944 & 5" Ship loading cargo into U.S. trucks on the dock.
A cargo ship docked at a port in New Orleans, Louisiana on 14 August 1945
A cargo ship docked at a port. Official caption: "W.O. #2410, Neg. #1799. 14 August 1945. 1. View showing port side of Freighter N.O. #483.
A cargo ship docked at a port in New Orleans, Louisiana on 15 July 1945
A cargo ship docked at a port. Official caption: "W.O. #2323, Neg. #1724. 15 July 1945. 1. View showing port side of Freighter N.O. #506.
A cargo ship docked near a grain elevator in New Orleans, Louisiana on 4 January 1945
A cargo ship docked near a grain elevator. Official caption: "W.O. #1726, Neg. #1272. 4 January 1945. 1. View showing Freighter N.O. #18. 2.
A cargo ship in New Orleans, Louisiana on 17 June 1944
A cargo ship. Official caption: "Cape Barrow at Pauline Street Open Wharf 17 June 1944.
A carromata in Manila, Philippines
Photograph. Mass-produced tourist photograph of a small passenger cart. Official caption: "Carromata Manila, P.I." Manila, Philippines.
A cart near the Ledo Road in Burma in 1944
Photograph. A cart near the Ledo Road in Burma in 1944.
A cart piled high with sacks of cotton passes by as US soldiers await train transport in India in 1944
Photograph. A cart piled high with sacks of cotton passes by as US soldiers await train transport in India in 1944.
A castle in Germany during World War II
A castle in Germany during World War II. "This was a castle in Germany. American soldiers occupied it in World War I."
A castle on the north side of Naples, Italy in 1943
A castle on the north side of Naples, Italy.
A Catholic bishop places a recovered religious relic on an altar, Austria, July 1945
Photograph. A Catholic bishop places a recovered religious relic, the hand of St. Stephen, on an altar.
A Catholic mass to celebrate Easter is administered in the field, Italy, 1944
Photograph. A Catholic mass to celebrate Easter is administered in the field.