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Loading prime mover during field exercise at Camp Atterbury, Indiana on 6 September 1944
2049. '6 Sept. 44 Kilian. Loading, prime mover for 155mm How.
Lt Marcum and T/Sgt George E Dolson discussing repairs to be made on Battery Commander Scope at San Luis Obispo, California on 29 March 1944.
1041. '3-29-44. Griggs. Lt Marcum and T/Sgt George E Dolson discussing repairs to be made on Battery Commander Scope.
Lt. General Mark Clark pinning medal on American soldier in Italy on 16 November 1944
433.Photograph. '16 Nov 1944. CG-2547. Fifth Army, Montecatini Area, Italy. Lt. General Mark W. Clark, C.G.
Lt. General Mark Clark with comedian and USO entertainer Joe E. Brown and six unidentified servicemen in Italy circa 1944.
70.Photograph. Lt. General Mark Clark with comedian and USO entertainer Joe E. Brown and six unidentified servicemen. Italy.
Lt. General Mark W. Clark and Mr. J. H. Brebner, British Foreign Ministry converse while waiting for the King of England's plane to take off.
42.Photograph. Lt. General Mark W. Clark speaking with Mr. J. H. Brebner, Director of News, British Foreign Ministry. '28 July 1944. CG-1374.
Lt. General Mark W. Clark pins a battle streamer on the guidon of a 504th PIR soldier in the Bagnoli area of Naples on 8 April 1944
237.Photograph. '8 April 44. Fifth Army, Bagnoli Area, Italy. Lt. General Mark W. Clark pins a battle streamer on the guidon of Co.
Lt. General Mark W. Clark receives the Italian decoration 'The Grand Cross of the Order of St. Maurice and St. Lazarus' from crown prince Umberto of Italy in Florence on 16 January 1945.
44.Photograph. Lt. General Mark W. Clark (right) receiving the Italian decoration 'The Grand Cross of the Order of St. Maurice and St.
Lt. General Truscott, Jr., is greeted by Major General Joao Batista Mascarenhas, BEF [Brazilian Expeditionary Force], with interpreter Major Vernon A. Walters in Italy on 11 December 1944.
127.Photograph. '11 Dec 44. BEF/5/MM-44-31388. Fifth Army, Italy. Lt. General Truscott, Jr., C.G.
M-10 tank destroyer heads toward a bombed Italian town, circa 1944-45.
100.Photograph. US M-10 tank destroyer with its turret swiveled to the left headed toward bombed Italian, hillside town. Italy. 1944-45
M4 Sherman tank and crew during training exercises at San Luis Obispo, California on 8 March 1944.
833. M4 Sherman tank and crew during training exercises. '3-8-44. J.P. Johnson. M-4 1A Medium tank and crew during practice operations.
Major General John K. Cannon, Lt. General Mark W. Clark, General Sir Harold R.L.G. Alexander, Lt. General Richard McCreery, and Air Vice-Marshal W.F. Dickson pose in Florence on 26 November 1944.
139.Photograph. '26 Nov 44. CG-2609. Fifth Army, Florence Area, Italy. L-R: Major General John K. Cannon, C.G. 12th Air Force; Lt.
Observing from 757 Tank Battalion Command Post in Italy in October 1944
483.Photograph. '13 Oct. 44. 5/MM-44-5254. Fifth Army, Monzumo, Italy. Observing from 757 Tank Battalion C.P.