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Willett, Richard First Kill
Richard Willett does not recall exactly where they crossed the border into Germany. They had not been told they were going into Germany.
Willett, Richard Guarding American Prisoners at Fort Bragg
Richard Willett went to Fort Bragg [Annotator's Note: Fort Bragg, North Carolina]. He had a girlfriend in Washington, D.C.
Willett, Richard Handling Combat
Different people handle combat in different ways.
Willett, Richard Kooks in His Outfit
[Annotator's Note: Richard Willett was in Camp Lucky Strike near Le Havre, France.] They finally left Lucky Strike and moved down by the river
Willett, Richard New Orleans and Le Havre
When Richard Willett was at Camp Shelby [Annotator's Note: Camp Shelby, near Hattiesburg, Mississippi], he would go to New Orleans [Annotator&
Willett, Richard Prewar Life
Richard Willett was born in San Antonio, Texas in January 1925. He lived in San Antonio until 1938 when his family moved to Houston.
Willett, Richard Problems with a Lieutenant
Richard Willett got into a mountainous area. His jeep driver was from North Carolina. A Lieutenant decided to ride in his jeep.
Willett, Richard Reflections
World War 2 changed Richard Willett's life by making it possible for him to go to college. He learned how to discipline himself.
Willette, Edward Arrival in Europe
Edward G.
Willette, Edward Early Life and Entrance to Service
Edward G. Willette was born in August 1924 in Chicago, Illinois. He and his sister, the children of a milk salesman, grew up in the area.
Willette, Edward Encountering the Enemy
Edward G.
Willette, Edward Oddball Assignments
Edward G.