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American soldier posing with an Asian wild cat
Slide. American soldier posing with a small Asian wild cat on a leash. Location unknown. No date
American soldier posing with his rifle
Photograph. American soldier posing with his rifle in front of barracks. Unknown location. Probably 1943
American soldier posing with his rifle
Photograph. American soldier posing with his rifle in front of barracks. Unknown location. No date
American soldier puts chains truck tires on a snowy mountain road on 6 January 1945 in Italy.
58.Photograph. American soldier putting chains on his truck's tires on a snowy mountain road. '6 Jan. 1945. 5/MM-45-188.
American soldier raking at Fort Devons, Massachusetts in August 1943
American soldier raking. Cleaning up around the tent. Tent City-Fort Devons, Massachusetts, August,1943.
American soldier reading at a war memorial, Rome, Italy, 1945
Photograph. American soldier reading on bench of the First World War memorial in the cortile of the American Academy. Rome, Italy. 1945
American soldier reading, probably in Italy, during World War II
American soldier "'Cpt. [Captain] Ammann reading" a newspaper, probably in Italy, 194-.
American soldier relaxes against a tree
Photograph. American soldier Koval sitting against a tree. Personal caption on photo reverse: "H. Koval." Unknown location. No date
American soldier repairing airplane in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier in winter gear repairing airplane engine held up with a winch in the Aleutian Islands c. 1943.
American soldier resting in front of German home, Germany, 1945
Photograph. American soldier resting in front of German home. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Tonne on guard.
American soldier resting inside his pup tent
Photograph. American soldier rests in pup tent. Personal caption on photo reverse: "Fatso Mazin by Pup Tent." Presumably homefront.
American soldier riding a horse
Photograph. American soldier in breeches and garrison cap riding a horse at an unidentified rocky location, possibly southwest U.S., 1942-145.