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Aleutian Islands landscape on 10 July 1943
Aleutian Islands/Alaskan landscape. "7-10-43."'10 July 1943
Aleutian Islands landscape on 10 July 1943
Aleutian Islands/Alaskan landscape. '"7-10-43."' 10 July 1943
Aleutian Islands landscape on 10 July 1943
Aleutian Islands/Alaskan landscape. '"7-10-43."' 10 July 1943
Aleutian Islands landscape on 10 July 1943
Aleutian Islands/Alaskan landscape. "7-10-43."' 10 July 1943
Alfred Escher memorial fountain, Switzerland
Photograph. Alfred Escher memorial fountain in front of the entrance to Main Railway Station; civilians are entering and exiting the station.
Algerian civilians standing by a military truck, Algeria
Photograph. Crowd of Algerian civilians gathered around the back of an American military transportation truck. Algeria. No date
Algerian soldiers inspecting a knocked out German vehicle, Esperia, Italy, 1944
Photograph. Algerian soldiers inspecting a knocked out German vehicle.
Algerian street leading into the city of Orlansville
Algerian street; including gate into city. "Orleansville, Africa." Orlansville, now Chlef. Circa 1943
Algerian troops rest along a fence line, Southern France, 1944
Algerian troops rest along a fence line.
All Hallows Berkynge Chirche, England
Photograph. Side of All Hallows Berkynge Chirche [Barking Church]. Sign on the fence reads: "Founded A.D.
All he promised me was an opportunity
Allen Carter sitting on the ground
Photograph. Allen Carter sitting on the ground and surrounded by other servicemen in fatigue uniforms.