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Aerial view of Saipan, 1945
Slide. Aerial view of a coastline. Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. 1945
Aerial view of San Nazaro bridge in Italy in 1944 to 1945
Reconnaissance photograph; Aerial view of San Nazaro bridge. "GSGS 4164 SHT.60. F. Pontoon bridge at San Nazaro. 38 pontoons L. 922" W.
Aerial view of Savona, Italy in 1944 to 1945
Reconnaissance photograph; Aerial view of Savona, Italy. "Savona." Torino, Italy. Probably 1944-45.
Aerial view of Sedan, France
Photograph, aerial. View of Sedan, France. Translated German caption on photo reverse: "Over the battlefield of Sedan." No date.
Aerial view of shoreline of Lake Pontchartrain seawall during Higgins Industries event in July 1944
Aerial view of shoreline of Lake Pontchartrain seawall, parking lot and Lakeshore Drive during demonstration at Higgins Industries event.'
Aerial view of smoke rising from Allied bombing of Iwo Jima, 1945
Aerial view of coastline and buildings below, smoke rising from Allied bombing.
Aerial view of Tanapag Harbor, Saipan, 1945
Slide. Aerial view of Tanapag Harbor and the surrounding ocean. Saipan, Northern Mariana Islands. 1945
Aerial view of the 24th General Hospita compoundl in Grosseto, Italy on 15 August 1944
Aerial view of the 24th General Hospita compound. "Tent wards in rear of hospital at Grosseto, Italy.
Aerial view of the 24th General Hospital outside of Bizerte, Tunisia
"Airplane view of the 24th Gen. Hospital outside of Bizerte, North Africa." More than 70 buildings some with red crosses on the roofs.
Aerial view of the Allied Forces Headquarters air field, Caserta, Italy, 1944
Photograph, aerial. View of the Allied Forces Headquarters air field.
Aerial view of the Allied Forces Headquarters air field, Caserta, Italy, 1944
Photograph, aerial. View of the Allied Forces Headquarters air field.
Aerial view of the Allied Forces Headquarters air field, Caserta, Italy, 1944
Photograph, aerial. View of the Allied Forces Headquarters air field.