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A workout room aboard a hospital ship in Mobile, Alabama taken on 25 August 1945-3 September 1945
A workout room aboard a hospital ship. Official caption: ""W.O. #2432, Neg. #1815-27-45. 25 Aug.-- 3 Sep. 1945. 1.
A wounded buddy is placed on a improvised stretcher by men of the senior swimming instructors class at Fort Benning, Georgia on 11 July 1944
1429. '11 July 44. Bradlor.
A wounded GI receives plasma in the Philippines in 1945
"Wounded G.I. receives plasma." [1945]
A wounded Marine with a bandaged arm sits in a jeep. New Georgia Islands. Circa 1943
Photograph. A wounded Marine with a bandaged arm sits in a jeep with another Marine lying on a platform above him.
A wounded soldier being evacuated by airplane in Toul, France on 25 September 1944
A wounded soldier being evacuated by airplane. Note that some identifying names and locations have been stricken in the caption.
A wounded soldier in India in 1944
Photograph. A wounded soldier in India in 1944.
A wounded soldier is helped to an aid station in Intramuros at Manila in the Philippines on 23 February 1945
"Wounded soldier helped to aid statsion in Intramurals (Old Spanish fort in Manila)." 23 February 1945
A wounded soldier recieves plasma, 1943-1945
A medic and helpers administer blood plasma to a wounded soldier. "2191-25." "U.S.
A wreath-laying ceremony, Hawaii
Photograph. A wreath-laying ceremony. Hawaii. No date
A wreath-laying ceremony, Hawaii
Photograph. A wreath-laying ceremony. Hawaii. No date
A wrecked ton truck along roadside at night in 1944
2218. Close up of a wrecked ton truck along roadside at night. '168-5-44-7096.' United States of America, specific location unknown.
A wrecked ton truck along roadside at night in 1944
2215. A wrecked ton truck along roadside at night. '168-5-44-7093.'United States of America, specific location unknown. 1944