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A woman in a hat walks down the road, Philippines
Photograph.A woman strolls past thatched-roof homes in a Filipino town.
A woman instructs three men on proper infant care and feeding
Photograph. Three men learning how to care for an infant under the instruction of a woman. Location unknown. 1941-45
A woman measures film density during the processing of V-mail in Papua New Guinea in 1944
V-mail operation in the field at APO 929.
A woman models the summer off-duty dress for members of the U.S. Women's Army Corps
Photograph. A woman modeling the Summer Off-Duty Dress of members of the U.S. Women's Army Corps.
A woman on Papua New Guinea during World War II
A woman on Papua New Guinea during World War II.
A woman performs on stage, Hawaii
Photograph. A woman dances on stage for a crowd of sailors during a performance, possibly with the USO. Hawaii. No date
A woman relaxes on the beach in front of a refreshment stand in 1943
Photograph.. A woman relaxes on the beach in front of a refreshment stand. An American flag flies from a flagpole in the background. 1943
A woman rides her bicycle with her poodle in the back basket in Paris, France circa 1945
A woman rides her bicycle with her poodle in the back basket.
A woman selling goods in a black market in Paris, France in 1945
A woman selling goods in a black market in the Latin Quarter. Personal caption: "L.Q. 45." Paris, France.
A woman selling trinkets in California
Slide. Woman on street selling trinkets, possibly Mexican or Native American.
A woman smiles for the camera in 1943
Photograph. A woman smiles for the camera. 1943
A woman types at a desk in a newspaper office in Greenbelt, Maryland, May 1945
Photograph. A woman types at a desk as two men in the background look on.