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A soldier stands in front of a make-shift mess hall, probably at Bougainville in 1945
A soldier stands in front of a make-shift mess hall, probably at Bougainville in 1945.
A soldier stands in front of fellow soldiers with a Thompson submachine gun during World War II
A soldier stands in front of fellow soldiers with a Thompson submachine gun at an unknown Pacific location during World War II. U.S.
A soldier stands in front of the Monument du Centenaire, Nice, May 1945
Photograph. A uniformed soldier, Gilbert, stands in front of the Monument du Centenaire.
A soldier stands in the concentration camp's gas chamber, Dachau, 1945
Photograph. U.S. soldier standing in Dachau concentration camp's gas chambers, five wooden caskets are stacked along the wall.
A soldier stands near a latrine in Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa circa 1943
A soldier stands near a latrine. "8 holer latrine'by quarters--Bizerte." Bizerte, Tunisia, North Africa. Circa 1943
A soldier stands on a path alongside a row of tents, Guadalacanal, 1945
Photograph. Engineers prepare a military camp.
A soldier stands on a wrecked airplane, Germany, 1945
Photograph. A soldier stands on the body of a wrecked German airplane. Probably Germany. 1945
A soldier stands on a wrecked airplane, Germany, 1945
Photograph. A soldier stands on the body of a wrecked German airplane. Probably Germany. 1945
A soldier stands outside of a building in the snow, Belgium, 1945
Photograph. A uniformed soldier stands in the snow at the bottom of a set of steps leading up to an imposing building.
A soldier takes a moment to pose for the camera in India in 1944
Photograph. A soldier takes a moment to pose for the camera in India in 1944.
A soldier takes cover while phosphorus shells burst nearby, Italy, 1944
Photograph. A soldier takes cover while phosphorus shells burst nearby during a training exercise.
A soldier takes down a large tree along the Ledo Road in Burma in 1944
Photograph. A soldier takes down a large tree along the Ledo Road in Burma in 1944.