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A soldier performs a hoof operation on a mule at 30th Veterinary General Hospitalat Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 31 March 1944
1972. (Missing date, photographer and lots of words in description) 'Railsback performs . . . on a mule at the 30t j . . .
A soldier performs a hoof operation on a mule at the 30th Veterinary General Hospital at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 31 March 1944
1973. '3-31-44. Freeney. Cpl. Lee T. Railsbakc performs a hoof operation while attendants assist and comfort the animal at the 30th Vet. Gen.
A soldier performs guard duty in Gurzenich, Germany on 2 January 1945
A soldier performs guard duty. Official caption: "ETO HQ 45 5853 2 Jan. Credit...U.S. Army Signal Corps. Photog--W.C. Sanderson...167. Pfc.
A soldier pharmacist at his work bench in the Pharmacy at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 27 March 1944
1944. '3-27-44. Freeney. T-4 Patrick Devereaux of the 636th clearing Co.
A soldier places wire high up in trees and bushes as another soldier reels the wire off a reel unit at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1908. '3-24-44. Ecklund. T/5 W T Gardner is placing W130 wire high up in trees and bushes as Pfc R. B.
A soldier placing W130 wire high up in tree during a training exercise at Hunter Liggett Military Reservation on 24 March 1944
1907. '3-24-44. Ecklund.
A soldier poses as an action hero in New Guinea in 1943
Photograph. A soldier poses as an action hero in New Guinea in 1943.
A soldier poses in a U.S. Army Jeep at Fort Sill, Oklahoma circa 1946
A soldier poses in a U.S. Army Jeep at Fort Sill, Oklahoma circa 1946.
A soldier poses in front of a B-25 Mitchell named Hellzapoppin in 1943
Photograph. A soldier poses in front of a B-25 Mitchell named Hellzapoppin. "This is a picture of a B-25 Mitchell ship bomber, with siren.
A soldier poses in front of a termite mound in Australia during World War II
A soldier poses in front of a termite mound in Australia during World War II.
A soldier poses in front of the B-24 Liberator Firtile Myrtle in 1943
Photograph. A soldier poses in front of the B-24 Liberator Firtile Myrtle. 1943
A soldier poses near barracks, probably in the United States in 1941
Soldiers poses near barracks, probably in the United States in 1941. "name it."